作者:admin 发表时间:2017-10-06 浏览:49 海淘人物
SMT的特殊性,不单是纯粹的零售,还是会有很多的小B订单,赶上采购旺季,还有可能有大B订单产生;所以日常沟通,及大单引导非常重要。大家多琢磨,这一点(很多品类,单靠一单一单零售,在速卖通上,会亏死) 1、当买家光顾你店铺,询问产品信息时: 重点:跟买家初次打招呼,要亲切、自然并表示出你的热情。尽量在初步沟通时把产品元素介绍清楚,范例参考: Hello, my dear friend.Thank you for your visiting to my store, you can find the products you need from my store . If there are not what you need, you can tell us, and we can help you to find the source, please feel free to buy anything! Thanks again. 2、鼓励买家提高定单金额和定单数量,提醒买家尽快确认定单时可参考: Thank you for your patronage, if you confirm the order as soon as possible, I will send some gifts. A good news: Recently there are a lot of activities in our store. If the value of goods you buy count to a certain amount, we will give you a satisfied discount. 3、交易进行中,通知买家去参看物流情况时,可参考: The goods you need had been sent to you. It's on the way now.Please pay attention to the delivery and sign as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 4、当完成交易,您表示感谢,并希望他下次能够再次回头时,可参考: Thank you for your purchase, I have prepared you some gifts, which will be sent to you along with the goods.Sincerely hope you like it. I'll give you a discount, if you like to purchase another products. 5、推广新产品,采购季节期间根据自己的经验,可给买家推荐自己热销的产品。 Hi friend,Right now Christmas is coming, and Christmas gift has a large potential market. Many buyers bought them for resale in their own store, it‘s high profit margin product, here is our Christmas gift link, Please click to check them , if you want to buy more than 10pieces, we also can help you get a wholesale price. Thanks. Regards! 您好!在圣诞节来临之际,圣诞礼品将是一个热销产品。很多买家从我们这进货到他们自己的商店里出售。这个产品的利润不错。以下是我们圣诞产品的介绍,请点击了解。10个起批我们将给您批发的价格. 6、货物断货,货物偶尔的断货只要认真解释一下,买家能够理解,最好的办法是告诉买家自己会积极尽量帮他找到她所需要的产品,同时向他介绍类似的款式供其选择 Hi friend,We are really sorry that the shoes you order is out of stock at the moment. I will contact the factory to see when they are going to be available again. I would like to recommend you some other pretty shoes which have the same style. Hope you like them as well. You can click on the following link to check them out. If there’s anything I can help Please feel free to contact us.Regards 您好!我们已经重新设置了价格。在原有价格的基础上,又给您了15%的折扣。我们提供的价格比市场价要低,在这个产品上,我们没办法给出更低的价格了。希望你能接受这个价格,如果有任何问题,请和我联系。 谢谢! 7、大量订购询问价格,大量订单询盘,买家若是赶上采购季我们一定要抓住机会,对他们的回复要一定要详尽,内容一般包括样品的价格、样式、采购量和相应的价格,这个报价建议是包括运费的,而且价格要相对有优势,给买家感觉是给他的一个优惠。 Hi friendsThank you for your inquiry, we very much hope to complete the order with you for me, here is the products link you need, if you buy 100 pieces, we can give you a wholesale price, $25/piece. If you have any idea, Please let us know, and we will try our best to help you. Looking forward to your reply.Regards! 谢谢您的询盘,我们非常希望能够与您完成此笔订单,下面是我对您所需要的产品的介绍,如果您一次购买100件,我们可以给您一个批发价格,每件25元.如果您有任何的问题,请和我沟通。我会竭尽所能来帮助你。期待您的答复。 这一块,每家的情况不一样。可以根据自己的品类特殊性、物流方式选择情况、每年淡旺季可能遇到的问题,提前做好沟通模板。凡事提前准备好,心中不慌。(编选:中国电子商务研究中心)