作者:admin 发表时间:2017-10-10 浏览:165 海淘动态
14作者福克斯德 当你的产品收到差评时,是不是感觉之前所有的努力付诸东流?如果一个1星差评在你的listing中显示超过3天,将会严重影响你的产品销量。差评对所有亚马逊卖家都一样,但是如果你学会如何正确处理差评,就可以尽可能减少差评对产品销量的影响。有研究表明,92%的消费者在购买产品之前会先看一下产品评论,而一个差评带来的负面影响需要用12个好评来抵消。正常来说,当我们收到差评后应该直接联系留评买家,沟通解决买家的问题,消除差评,但亚马逊不会轻易给我们买家的联系方式,所以我们没那么容易直接联系上买家。通常来说,亚马逊买家主页的昵称和后台订单名称并不一致。还有一个消除差评的方法是联系亚马逊客服,请求移除差评,但请不要对此抱太大希望,亚马逊几乎不会轻易帮卖家移除差评。你还有一个选择,那就是在差评底下留言。但这个做法风险也很大,留言写得不好,效果适得其反。那么处理差评的最好方式是什么呢?——处理亚马逊差评的4条黄金守则。1.迅速回应 收到差评后你需要做的第一件事是仔细阅读差评,抓客的差评提示工具可以显示您收到的差评,大大提升您的效率。2.向客户展示你的同理心 让客户感觉你能理解他们的诉求相当重要。当客户不满意你的产品时,你需要站在客户的角度去思考:为什么我会对产品不满意。站在客户的角度思考问题可以让你和客户感同身受。3.保持冷静(淡定) 有的差评,买家的留言很让人生气,但是此刻你不能直接在那条差评底下评论,并和买家争论,这样只会让事情越来越糟,你要知道,一旦你在差评底下评论了,这个评论将出现在你的listing上面被所有人看到。你的首要任务不是要向买家证明他是错的,而是要尽量减少这个差评的负面影响,比如如何减少这个差评对转化率的影响。其实你最终面对的不止是这一个留差评的客户,而是所有这个产品的潜在客户。所以如果你直接在差评底下的留言言语不恰当,那么浏览你产品帖子的潜在客户看到你的留言后会想:如果我也留了差评,是不是也会被如此对待。所以我们要保持淡定,展示出我们的同理心。4.解决问题 现在我们来解决客户的问题:产品受损——重新发一个新产品给客户。客户对产品使用方式错误,导致客户认为产品不工作——给客户打个电话,亲自教客户如何使用产品。在解决问题时要时刻牢记你的任务是尽量减少可能带来的损失。举个例子:当你去罗马旅行时,想通过猫途鹰(Tripadvisor)订一家餐厅,但是当你找到一家餐厅,翻看这家餐厅的评论时,看到这样一条评论:“吃个饭我从没等过这个长时间,我大概等了1个半小时才上菜,我不会再来了!”你或许会犹豫。但是当你看到商家在差评下的留言:“您好,我是本店的经理,非常抱歉没有给您带来最佳的用餐体验,您用餐的那一天是4月25号,是节假日,刚好我们缺人手。我们的一个主厨生病请假了,您知道,我们餐厅一向对我们的菜品有信心,所以当天我们出菜速度有些慢。我们愿意在您下次光顾本店时提供50%的折扣,并亲自为您服务。当你看完商家的留言后,是不是会考虑一下这家餐厅了?其实,这家餐厅用了回应差评的4条黄金法则。以下是一些我回应客户的模板:Dear [CUSTOMER],Thank you for purchasing with us.I would like to personally apologize for your experience with our [PRODUCT].We strive to offer the 100% satisfaction for all our customers and will dowhatever it takes to make you happy.We would be happy to send you a replacement or issue you a full refund.Please contact us directly at [YOUR EMAIL] to resolve this issue for you.Thank you for giving us the opportunity to make this rightSincerely,[YOUR NAME][YOUR BUSINESS]如果回应得当,你甚至于能让客户帮你移除这条差评。同时,你还可以做另外一件事:用好评的影响力抵消差评的影响。还记得我之前说过的:1个差评的而影响需要12个好评来消除吗?当你有了更多的好评后,你可以将最先的那条差评挤到最底下,当潜在客户在浏览产品评论时,不会一下子看到那条差评。而获取好评最有效的方式是设置自动邮件,为已购买产品的客户发送邮件。这一类工具就不得不提一下RocketReply了——我们在Rocket Reply里放了很多很好的邮件模板供你选择。邮件模板目录:Email #1: Delivery ConfirmationSend out immediately after delivery to ensure that the product arrivedsafely.Email #2: Product Follow-upSend out 3 days after delivery to see if the customer has any questions andwhether or not s(he) is happy with the product. Add additional value byproviding tips or suggestions on how to use the product.Email #3: Thank You (and Review-ask)Send out 7 days after delivery. Again, inquire into how happy the customer iswith the product, and ask for a review.模板:Email #1:Subject: Your Product Has Been Shipped!Hi [NAME],Thank you for ordering our [PRODUCT NAME]. Your order is on its way, and youshould be receiving it shortly. You can track your delivery here: [ORDERLINK]We’re a small business, and we make great effort to keep our customers happy.Therefore we want to ensure you are 100% happy with your product.So once your order arrives, please let us know if you have any questions orif there are any problems with the product. We’ll be sure to address any issuesas soon as possible.In the meantime, let us know if you have any concerns.Best Regards,[NAME][BUSINESS NAME]Email #2:Subject: Got Any Questions About Your [PRODUCT]?Hi [NAME],Thank you again for your purchase! We noticed that your product was delivereda few days ago, and wanted to check if you had any questions or concerns?If you experienced any problems, just reply to this email today and we’llmake it right.We’ve put a lot of effort into creating [PRODUCT NAME], and we really hopeyou enjoy it. To help you get the most out of it, we’ve put together a fewaccompanying [TIPS/RECIPES/GAMES/ETC].You can find them here: [LINK TO TIPS]If you are happy with your purchase, I’d really love it if you could leave usyour feedback here: [FEEDBACK LINK]Best Regards,[NAME][BUSINESS NAME]Email #3:Subject: How Are You Enjoying Your [PRODUCT NAME]?Hi [NAME],It’s been around a week since you got your [PRODUCT] and we just wanted tocheck in and see how you were enjoying it?Again: If there are ANY issues, just reply to this email and we’ll make itright.But if you’re happy with your product, I’d like to ask a quick favor. As asmall Amazon seller, we heavily rely on reviews. And I’d really appreciate it ifyou could leave us one here: [REVIEW LINK]It should only take a couple of minutes, and it’d really make a hugedifference for us.We deeply value your honest feedback.Thank you!Best Regards,[NAME][BUSINESS NAME]以上内容属作者个人观点,不代表世界超市网立场! 【福利】年终购物季近在咫尺,你的亚马逊爆款做好了吗,listing优化如何,站内引流及转化上去了吗?9月28-29日(厦门)VC商学院高级讲师Skyla重磅推出爆款专题课程,点击“爆单”解决旺季前的所有困难。