
作者:admin  发表时间:2020-09-05  浏览:113  海淘动态

5作者创蓝商务 卖家千万别小看订单缺陷率,ODR是反应卖家能否提供一个良好的买家购物体验的非常重要的一个指标,这个指标千万不要超过1%,如果超过了1%对账户安全是很不利的,严重时亚马逊甚至会审核你的店铺或者移除您的销售权限(Orderdefect rate is the key measure of your ability to provide a good customerexperience ) 以下是卖家因订单缺陷率导致账号移除销售权限的案例:最近我的账户就由于订单缺陷率不达标(两个A-Z索赔,当然还有就是单量不多,所以两个索赔占的百分比也是有1.59%), 第二天一早来上班,登录账户,就看到小红旗那有三条消息,打开一条就直接是移除销售权限的通知。经过八九封邮件沟通,亚马逊审核团队终于恢复了我的销售权限。我就拿出最后一封来和小伙伴们分享下。1. 首先告诉他我的账户哪几个单影响绩效不达标的,并对此深表歉意。 Hello,Recently i received 2 buyers' complaints about have not received their orders(Order ID : and ), and we confirmed shipment of an order (Order ID: ) beforeactually sending it. Both of these cause my account performance does not reachAmazon standards. I sincerely feel sorry about it. 2.针对问题,分析导致的原因。 I believe there are two main reasons cause this happened:1. As for confirmed shipment of an order before actually sending it. We haveno stock in our office when buyer place an order, but we must confirm shipmentwithin 2 days (valid time), it cause we fill in the Tracking number to confirmshipments before sending orders. 2. As for buyers have not received their orders. it is because we choose apoor logistics partner, they couldn't update tracking information in time.Second, we confirm shipments before sending orders, so it will delay some daysto arrive at buyers. 3. 接下来也是最重要的一点,针对问题的行动计划。一定要表达自己的决心,之后会怎么做。 个人觉得最好用 decide 这个词来表达较好,当然只是个人意见,毕竟可能有更好的表达方式。总之千方百计让亚马逊团队看到你的诚意及决心,打动他们。Plan of Action:We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:1. We decide to ready some stocks in our office, it will help us send ordersin time and confirm shipments when we really sending them. then urgent ourexpress partner to update tracking information in time to solve confirmedshipment of an order before actually sending it. 2. We decide to choose a reliable shipping method which can suitable sendingto USA(ePacket and FEDEX), not only the speed but valid tracking is priority tohelp buyers have a good experience of shopping in our store. also if buyercouldn't received item within valid time, we will contact them and send item tobuyer again by FREE. In a words, we promise will not appear these complains in future and decideto try our best to make buyers feel satisfied during shopping. 4.最后一点就是会如何运营自己的账号,把更好的计划写上去。 Besides, we decide to arrange and complete listing(including expend shipmenttime and shipment method), also i have some new plans to operation my store, iwant to change shipment method become FBA, in order to improve Customer shoppingexperience. Looking forward to receiving your reply.Thank you so much!我就是这么操作的,可能每个人的情况都不一样,但是有一点是确定的,一定要让审核团队看到你的决心。以上内容属作者个人观点,不代表世界超市网立场!【福利】年终购物季近在咫尺,你的亚马逊爆款做好了吗,listing优化如何,站内引流及转化上去了吗?9月28-29日(厦门)VC商学院高级讲师Skyla重磅推出爆款专题课程,点击“爆单”解决旺季前的所有困难。




