作者:admin 发表时间:2020-09-04 浏览:89 海淘动态
4 自从世界超市网发布相关追踪报道以来,组建的应对群里涌入了很多受害卖家现身说法。不过好消息是有卖家称已经成功领回了账号,并重新获得了店铺销售权。一名从事汽配和户外电子的卖家向世界超市网透露到,目前他已经申请回账户,但依旧没有店铺销售权。据他介绍,4月27号亚马逊向其打款,而后4月28号就收到邮件称其的帐号可能会被泄露,于是该卖家赶紧修改密码,却发现此时银行账户已经被篡改了,原本2.8万美金也被恶意置换成2.5万欧元转到了一个叫斯诺克伐克的国家。“在发现银行账户被黑后,我第一时间就向亚马逊反映了当前的情况,几天之后亚马逊关闭了我的账户,在后续与亚马逊邮件指示联系的过程我成功地解开账户,而店铺的销售权却没了。”在与卖家的沟通中,他痛苦地说到:“帐户被封、丧失销售权,对我是灾难性的打击”。截止目前他多次联系平台绩效均无正面回复,已损失2.82万美金现金,他表示钱没了还可以再赚,而销售权的丢失让他平均每天3000刀的销售额和超过50万人民币库存惨遭封杀,经济损失巨大。(截图:卖家被关闭账号的邮件通知) 另一位做时尚配件的卖家虽说他也遭受到了同样的问题,不过该卖家已经成功找回了账号和销售权。“和其他卖家一样,我也是在不断地联系绩效团队和账户经理。值得注意的是,如果卖家有自己的账户经理可以请求账户经理发送内部邮件,那么绩效团队在处理的时候可能会缩短中间不必要环节,卖家需要做的是写清楚自己经历的来龙去脉和账户目前的资料情况。”他说。 (截图:账号恢复通知的邮件) 同时,该卖家还建议其他受害卖家点击亚马逊后台的申诉按钮。“但是一定不要盲目点击,该申诉按钮的使用机会只有一次,卖家朋友们应该好好把握。”此外,该卖家也从自身成功申诉的角度出发,向卖家朋友分享如下的邮件申诉书,助力于部分同样遭受账号被黑的卖家及时找回账号和店铺销售权,需要注意的是,卖家需要根据自身店铺的实际情况做文字上的细微调整。Hi dear seller performance,We are sorry to trouble you again,Our seller account was hacked, my account email was changed by hacker,now we could not log into our seller account and our selling privileges have been removed.Our own seller account email is:the hacker changed it to a unknown email:(maybe is be change to this email because we have receive email from this email :that sent from amazon,we think maybe this is the hacker's email: ,but we are not sure if the hacker change our email to this email address,you could check it as follow picture show )And also our bank account was changed by hacker on April 25, 2017our payment bank account number is:the hacker changed it to a unknown Payment bank account which ends in 434 which resulted in the money from April 15th, 2017 to April 29th, 2017 is being transfered to the hacker's bank account.Below is the Amazon payment information:Hope Amazon can help us freeze the payment transfered to the hacker's bank account.Below is the information of our seller accountRegister:······Register company: ······Address: ······Account email: ······Payment account: ······Credit card: ······Contact phone:Hope Amazon can help us freeze the payment transfered to the hacker's bank account. This account is very important for us and please give us advice and help us recover our selling privileges as soon as possible,thanksThanks very much.May 12th,2017(文/世界超市网 钟云莲)【福利】年终购物季近在咫尺,你的亚马逊爆款做好了吗,listing优化如何,站内引流及转化上去了吗?9月28-29日(厦门)VC商学院高级讲师Skyla重磅推出爆款专题课程,点击“爆单”解决旺季前的所有困难。