作者:admin 发表时间:2020-09-04 浏览:135 海淘动态
19 亚马逊针对评论出台了很多政策,首先平台禁止了奖励性评论,之后开始冻结发送索要评论的账号,近期还更新了信息系统,允许消费者不接收卖家的垃圾邮件。以下是亚马逊的一些评论规定:·不要赠送产品索要评论。亚马逊可以追踪到买家使用了0折扣码一个月之后留下的评论。·不要只要求消费者写好评。亚马逊想让买家自由地评论,不管是好评、中评还是差评。·不要给买家提供评论模板。给买家提供一个模板填空只会被视为操控评论,同时也会让卖家的评论几乎都一样。·不要付费让人评论,不管是朋友、家人还是知名博主。其中有一个例外,那就是亚马逊的AmazonVine项目。亚马逊希望产品评论是来自真实卖家的真实回答,同时消费者也希望自己看到的产品评论真实。比如在测评被禁之前,如果一个产品很多评论存在“unbiased”和“honest”等词语,一些消费者就不会购买这个产品。所以卖家发送评论邮件,需要注意哪些技巧呢?下面将详细介绍怎么把邮件写进消费者心坎,让他们自动留下评论:一、卖家不能说什么?大多数亚马逊售后邮件存在的一个问题是,它们几乎相同。以下索要产品评论邮件的一些不好例子:邮件存在的问题 ·要求消费者留好评(邮件1和邮件2) 这可能会被亚马逊认为是在操控评论,因为邮件1中,明确地要求消费者不要留差评,而是与卖家联系。邮件2中表示,如果产品满足了买家的预期要留下评论。像“If you love your new _____, leave a product review here(如果你喜欢新买的东西,那么留下评论)”或者“If you’re happy, click here. If you need help, click here(如果你满意产品,那么点击此处;如果你需要帮助,请点击此处)”等,都有可能让卖家陷入不必要的麻烦。·没有价值的邮件,或是每个卖家都会使用的内容很枯燥的邮件(如邮件1) 如果你在经常在亚马逊购物,你就会看到许多相同的评论索要邮件。于是买家便渐渐忽略这些邮件,它们也不会再产生任何效果。·邮件内容全部关于卖家自己(如邮件3) 二、那么卖家的邮件内容可以包含什么?·卖家可以提供有用的信息来提高买家的产品使用体验;·可以提供帮助。建议卖家提供值得消费者花时间阅读的内容。上面的邮件1就是很寻常的一封邮件,消费者看到以后并不会产生特别的感想。三、而如果在邮件1中,发下面的内容给消费者会产生什么效果呢?“Hello,Congratulations on your purchase of ABC Brand Refrigerator/Freezer Organization Bins! Did you know that these sturdy containers can be a godsend in every room of your house? Use them in:Kitchen cabinets to store/organize spices.Put herbs into one bin, common spices (salt, pepper, garlic powder, etc.) into another container, and the others into a third basket.Bathroom cabinets to organize medicine and makeup.Stop searching through bottles and such every morning. Find your prescriptions, cosmetics, toilet tissue, and more quickly once they are organized.Laundry room for dryer sheets, clothespins, etc.Why pay more for specific laundry room organizers when these bins do the job perfectly?Got a minute? Tell us (and other shoppers) about your experience with your organization bins when you leave a product review.Have questions? Need help? Just reply to this email and you’ll have our full attention!Sincerely,Us”这封邮件很短,仅有145个单词,但却给出了这些内容: ·完美地提供消费者可能想不到的产品(冰箱收纳盒)使用方法,例如储存调料、化妆品等,让消费者能充分利用这个产品;·没有偏见或操控性地索要评论;·给消费者客服联系方式,供消费者有需要时联系;另外,邮件内容还可以是关于产品的使用事项,比如下面这封邮件,开头介绍了使用订书机的注意事项,之后再介绍订书机的其他用途:“Hello,Thank you for your purchase of the Super-Duper, High-Capacity Desktop Stapler. It should arrive in the next couple of days. A quick note before you use it … you’ll want to remove the small plastic insert at the very back of the staple tray.It’s sometimes a bit hard to see if you aren’t looking for it. Once you take that out, the staples will slide right in and you’re good to go!Did you know that — because of its superior depth capacity — this stapler can handle more than just thick stacks of paper? You’ll also love it for…·Crafts — Create gorgeous pin boards, picture frames, and more.·Upholstery — Make that old ratty chair functional & fashionable with a quick facelift.·Artwork — Design one-of-a-kind pieces that show off your savvy skills.So? What do you think? If you have 3 minutes, we’d love to hear from you in a product review.We’re here to help! If you ever have questions or run into an issue with your stapler, just reply to this email for immediate assistance.Sincerely,The Staple People”四、总结虽然有些消费者出于一些原因不喜欢写评论,但如果卖家能提供一些有价值的内容,消费者也有可能会给你留好评作为回报。(编译/世界超市网 方小玲)【福利】年终购物季近在咫尺,你的亚马逊爆款做好了吗,listing优化如何,站内引流及转化上去了吗?9月28-29日(厦门)VC商学院高级讲师Skyla重磅推出爆款专题课程,点击“爆单”解决旺季前的所有困难。小贴士:扫码获取更多亚马逊实操内容!