作者:admin 发表时间:2017-10-10 浏览:135 海淘动态
9作者Aimee 一个账号是否能够达成Top账号,客服其实起到很大的因素。eBay客服又分售前和售后,售前的基本都是涉及产品的信息,所以我们不必为了销售过分的亏大自己的产品,只需根据自己的产品实际情况进行回答就可以了。还有就是不要害怕麻烦,因为每一位来你店铺咨询产品信息的买家都是你的下一个潜在客户。点击进入>>(eBay新手开店专题)如果是一个新的账号,在最开始订单不多的情况下,eBay客服就更至关重要了。所以我建议各位小伙伴能够做到最起码的三点: 1.买家下单之后,发货之前:给买家发邮件告诉买家我们会在多长时间内发货,感谢买家的支持等等.Dear XX,Thanks for your purchasing ,we will send the item to you within 24 Hours,hope you will get it soon,nice day2.发货之后,收到货之前:告诉买家我们已经发货,已经追踪可产品网址,让买家耐心等待:Dear XXThanks for your purchasing ,your order is on the way now ,and the tracking number is XX,You could track it online http://www.17track.net/en, kindly hope you could wait with great patience ,it will come soon,thanks3.收到货之后:确认是否收到货,并索要好评Dear XXWe are really so sorry to disturb you ,we just have checked your order have arrived ,if you do not mind,could you pls tell us do you have got the item or not ? if you are satisfied with our products and service ,could you pls help us leave good feedback? If there is any problem with our products ,pls feel free to contact with us ,we will try our best to help you solve it,thanks(仅供参考)如果是一个成熟的账号,可能我们遇到的问题就会比较多了。 1.没有收到包裹:如果是发的挂号,帮买家查下物流状态,并跟买家解释包裹延误的原因,让买家耐心等待:Dear xxWe are really so sorry for the inconvenient, your order is on the way ,and you could track it online http://www.17track.net/en ,it may delay on Customs ,we will contact with our carrier and try our best to help you solve it ,could you pls wait with great patience ,it will come soon.如果是平邮,可以根据买家下单日期和运送国家来回复邮件.Dear xxWe are really so sorry for the inconvenient ,your order is in your country ,and it may stock on the way ,we will contact with our carrier to ask them speed up ,could you pls wait with some days more ,it will come soon,pls do not worry ,if you fail to get it ,we will take duty,thanks2.产品不能工作Dear friend ,we are really so sorry for the inconvenient ,if you do not mind,could you pls tell us more information about your problem ,or send us some video about the item which you have got ,we will feedback to our supplier help you solve it,pls do not worry ,if it is really the problem of our products ,we will take duty,thanks3.每天登陆ebay账号,收到下面这样的邮件,是不是觉得心肝脾肺肾哪都不好了。 特别是打开邮件一看发现订单金额都不足5美金的时候,更是有种想哭的冲动。因为未解决case的数量是决定了你的账号等级为below 或者top的重要因素。所以我建议各位买家小伙伴去后台设置可接受自动退款功能。4.每次看到有买家开启退货请求的时候,都会感觉很忧桑,因为这个会直接影响账号非货运表现,所以在跟买家邮件沟通的时候,我们解决办法有四种:1)不退款不退货;2)部分退款,不退货;3)全额退款,不退货;4)退款退货。一般如果是比较便宜的,能够“部分退款”或者“全额退款不退货”解决问题,就退款解决,因为退货会影响账号的非货运表现,如果是价值比较高的,会偏向“部分退款不退货”或者“退款退货”,但是最后能以那种方法解决问题,还要根据买家的态度来决定,如何在不惹怒上帝的前提下,确保自己的利益最大化,沟通就至关重要了。最近遇到一个200多美金的退货请求,成功的让买家关掉了退货请求,并且再次下300多美金的订单,其实我也不知道是不是邮件中的这句话起了作用“I have registered you as our VIP Customer and you may enjoy priority in our store”。 以上就是我在处理eBay账号时的一些客服心得,希望能够帮助到大家。以上内容属作者个人观点,不代表世界超市网立场!如有侵权,请联系我们。 扫码订阅“eBay”,更多实操干货等着你!