作者:admin 发表时间:2017-10-03 浏览:130 海淘动态
3作者酷鸟卖家助手 亚马逊每年8-9月份都会大面积清理一些违规运作的店铺,其中最常见的就是侵权了。很多卖家,尤其是新手卖家,经常一款产品没有彻底核查是否侵权就匆匆上架了,这其实是存在一些风险的。专利侵权和品牌侵权,你分清了吗? 1.专利侵权和品牌侵权都是分站点和国家的,不是说英国站侵权日本站和北美站就一定侵权。所以侵权的核查必须全站点查清楚!2.专利外观侵权是会有严格要求产品尺寸的,A尺寸侵权,B尺寸不一定侵权。所以外观方面需要弄清楚专利所拥有的尺寸,其他尺寸,你懂得。3.不管是品牌还是专利都是有审核时间的,在正式生效时间内也是投诉不了的;另外专利又分发明专利和外观专利,发明专利这个申请的时间会比较长,所以基本不用担心,一般专利下来了,产品该赚的也都赚到了。4.品牌是有品类限制的,品牌如果是注册的宠物用品,如果对方是户外用品,那也是投诉不了的。5.专利侵权和品牌侵权在亚马逊上所承受的结果也是不一样的;如果是专利侵权,一般亚马逊会删除该listing并给予一次警告。但是新账号最好还是不要这么去冒险,有可能会被直接关闭店铺。如果是品牌侵权关闭店铺的概率会比专利侵权要高很多,所以品牌侵权大家一定要非常的注意。在亚马逊上内衣、眼镜等类目的产品很多人不敢卖,因为目前国内的这些基本上是抄袭国外大牌的,就算你是有自己的品牌上架,也有可能被原品牌商投诉卖假货或者侵权,或者被亚马逊审核listing。亚马逊卖家怎样核查侵权? 作为卖家,在运营中做好防止侵权必要性我们已经不用再多强调了,从选品开始就要考虑是否涉及到发明专利,外观专利等侵权,而在发布产品阶段,也要避免把别人的品牌写在自己的listing中,如果选品时能够对一个产品做一个较全面的分析评估,侵权的概率就会大大降低了。当然,一些卖家如果能够直接进入供应商的设计层面,直接参与到产品的研发,推出自己独家的产品,就另当别论了,侵权的可能性就更小了。所以,大家在上架之前最好还是要对自己上架的产品做一个详细的调查。在此附上商标和专利查询网址供大家可以去做筛选;商标查询网址 美国:欧盟:专利查询网址 美国:欧盟发明专利查询 :欧盟外观专利查询:账户因侵权被封后正确的申诉姿势 案例:被商标持有者/专利持有者投诉侵权申诉邮件的几大重点:1.第一时间下架侵权产品,并以纠正错误的态度调查整个店铺是否有类似产品,并表示将全部下架,未来将加大产品品牌/专利/真伪方面的检测,100%确定没有问题才会上架;2.联系邮件中亚马逊给出的投诉人,承认错误,并示意自己是无心之失,告知已经下架该产品,并承诺不再销售他们品牌的产品,抄送给亚马逊notice邮箱;3.资料上有进货发票和其他有效证明可以提交作为辅助,提供供应商的联系信息管网等证明有正规的进货渠道,将组建专人团队负责核查产品信息:外观/品牌/工厂资质等,保证不再犯错;亚马逊侵权一次性通过申诉邮件模板 Dear sir/madam,Thanks for your patience about our issue. We extremely apologize for the inconvenience to you.We got to recognize that we made a mistake and may infringe the intellectual property rights of others. When we received your email about this issue we have created remove order of our FBA stock to prevent the similar complaint. Now we have send an email to at June 15, 2017 plead them to withdraw the complaint and we have to make a commitment to them:we will never sell this products again in the future and to our behavior made the most sincere words of apology, and we also Cc the email to Amazon, but we haven’t received any responded up until now. We will keep our eyes on this issue and I hope that we can find an amicable solution to this issue through the consultation process.We take the following measures after we got your email:1. Since we got the Warning Notice of Intellectual Property Rights Infringement about our ASIN: 侵权的ASIN码 may infringe the intellectual property rights of others, we have remove all the inventory stop selling at first time, now we have deleted this listing now and we no longer sell it again.2. We have contact the rights owner for retracting the complaints and made the most sincere words of apology, but we haven’t received any responded up until now, we will closely watch the reply.About this issue, we have taken the following steps to help us to resolve the issue and prevent similar complaints.1. We have checked all the listing detail from title, image, description and bullet point to ensure have no information in misunderstanding. And we are firmly deleting all the listings that could show any signs of conflicts with intellectual property rights.2. We have establish the professional handling team to take care of listing 100% match on description, images, bullet points, & search terms, etc. Never make more mistakes of the Product Design or Brand.3. We have organized our own research department to make sure we can sell our own products with our own design & model instead of purchasing from our supplier, to prevent any possible infringement problems on Trademarks & Packages & Design.4. All of the email or complaint answered and resolve under 24 hours. Provide a good after-sales service.Hope you can give me a chance again. If there’s any other information you need, please feel free to contact us.Yours sincerely, 店铺名 Appeal Service以上内容属作者个人观点,不代表世界超市网立场!如有侵权,请联系我们。 【福利】年终购物季近在咫尺,你的亚马逊爆款做好了吗,listing优化如何,站内引流及转化上去了吗?9月28-29日(厦门)VC商学院高级讲师Skyla重磅推出爆款专题课程,点击“爆单”解决旺季前的所有困难。