作者:admin 发表时间:2020-09-01 浏览:119 海淘动态
4作者开店么 亚马逊被封号的申诉邮件要怎么写,相信不少的卖家都有写这类邮件的经验,然而申诉邮件并非是看你的辞藻如何华丽,更重要的还是内容,其实也不难,都已经有人整理出固定的套路了。 有些卖家数封申诉信过去如同石沉大海,但有的卖家卖家居然花半天时间就成功解封,他是怎么做到的?封店原因事情要追溯到事发当天,下班前还显示账户状况为健康,当天一上班就发现有风险了。由于之前试过有账号一直显示有风险但都很久没被封店, 所以觉得有时间改。让人意想不到的是,下午突然就收到了亚马逊的账号冻结通知,有风险提示仅一天不到!店铺是刚出单不到三个月的新店铺,尽管目前的单量可以让order defect为1%以下,但是按照亚马逊长期和短期的算法就超出了零点几个百分点,封店原因就是order defect超过1%。情急之下,卖家立刻写了500+的申诉信,晚上发出,半夜就收到了账号恢复的邮件,前后仅11个小时,就经历了过山车般的惊悚和激动!申诉邮件内容: Dear Amazon seller support:This is * (店铺名) writing to you.Thank you so much for your concern of our account. We just received anotification that our selling privilege has been removed because of the orderdefect rate is above 1%. Before receiving the performance review notification,we were exactly working on improving our customers satisfaction while shoppingin our store. We checked the Performance Metrics and noticed that our OrderDefect Rate and Valid Tracking Rate did not meet Amazons requirement. Here aredetailed reasons that we conclude from those problems and we would like toimprove all the way on Amazon selling to satisfy our customer and service goodproducts and communication: 1.There are some pasts confused our customer during their use.2.A few orders were missed when shipping which makes customer waitlong. 3.Product information need to be updated in time for customers to choosetheir right product. 4.Customer service need to be more effective and in time for solvingcustomers problems. 套路一:知道自己错了+套路二:错在哪里As we are new seller on Amazon, we just sold our first item on 2016-11-*, anduntil today we sold *** orders on Amazon. We thanks so much that Amazon canprovide such chance for us to delivery customers good products. And we areplanning to provide more quality products on Amazon and drive our sales to$*,*00,00a month with **** orders, and grow 40-50% every month. However, wedid not that familiar with how to meet the performance standard, to this pointwe acknowledge it is our fault. We had updated details for listings andstandards of customer service for our stuff and promise to try our best toservice customers well on Amazon if we can get the permission to sell again.Would you please consider the account seller rating and the currant rapidlyincreasing sales in our store? We never got a negative feedback on our accountand there are still items waiting to be shipped into FBA on **day, hope youcould give us a chance to improve! 开始给亚马逊画大饼,我们的未来销量会怎样怎样的,还等着用FBA给亚马逊送钱+好话1If we get the valuable selling chance on Amazon, we will do as follows:1. Absolutely, we will learn through all the policies and rules aboutselling on your platform. 2. We will check the listings in our account to see if they provide enoughinformation for customers to make their right decisions. 3. We will focus on awaiting shipment items to customers. Double check toconfirm customers will have their satisfied items. 4.Use FBA shipping service to give customer good shipping service. Educatestuff of our own warehouse to trible check awaiting shipping orders every day toconfirm all the products will on their way to customers. 5.Find out order problems automatically and solve them with customer within24 hours. Any complaints or product issues we will solve them in proper waywithin a day in favor of the customer's right. 6. We will build up our own ERP to manage the running for Amazon selling.To control customer services and shipping services with accurate data. 套路三:要怎么改 Sincerely, we write this. We will try our best to provide our sales onAmazon.We believe Amazon will give this issue a serious consideration, and to us,there is a hope, a new chance for us! We will always provide good products andservices to customers on Amazon selling. 好话2Look forward to receive your reply.Best regards店铺名除了那些惯用的套路,卖家还加上能够给亚马逊有利的销量和收入,晓之以理,动之以情。最终救回了账号!亚马逊的回信Hello,We reviewed your account and the information you provided, and we havedecided that you may sell on again. In our efforts to protect ourcommunity, we sometimes err on the side of caution. We are sorry for anyinconvenience this hascaused.Sincerely,Seller PerformanceTeamAmazon.com 以上模板仅供参考大体上,申诉邮件必须包含这些内容:1、简单概括自己被封号的原因,表明对错误的认识和改变的决心2、对现有的问题罗列出两三点解决办法3、作出承诺,用最诚恳的态度请求亚马逊再给一次机会亚马逊的规则只会变得越来越严格,很多账号无故被封,然而无论原因如何,只要卖家老实本分的做店铺,努力提升绩效,乖乖地跟着规则走,相信还是能稳住。以上内容属作者个人观点,不代表世界超市网立场!如有侵权,请联系我们。 【福利】年终购物季近在咫尺,你的亚马逊爆款做好了吗,listing优化如何,站内引流及转化上去了吗?9月28-29日(厦门)VC商学院高级讲师Skyla重磅推出爆款专题课程,点击“爆单”解决旺季前的所有困难。