作者:Wang 发表时间:2016-06-24 浏览:888 特色品牌
NO.1 Sheridan
Sheridan喜来登公司的前身Actil公司,创立于1942年。在第二次世界大战期间起了积极的作用,提供了生产绷带、军服、军裤、毛巾布所需的大量棉纱。它是澳大利亚第一家以国产或进口棉花为原料,生产床上用品的纺织品公司。同时,也是以澳大利亚国产的棉花为原料,开发生产出第一个包装精美的枕套、床单系列产品的公司。 NO.2 Jaspa Herington
JASPA HERINGTON是澳大利亚的知名品牌。JASPA HERINGTON羊毛被只在澳大利亚的大型商场如MYER和DAVIDJONES才有售,如果你去澳大利亚旅游,不防去看看,只不过尺寸不同。被芯是ExcelWool®(有专利权的精细羊毛),非常柔软舒适,被套是纯棉面料,尺寸是为中国定制的200x230cm,与在澳大利亚品质一样,享有5年的保质期。 NO.3 BlueStar
Bluestar羊毛被产于澳洲,100%纯天然羊毛填充。充分倡导“天然、绿色、健康”的睡眠理念。 NO.4 Gainsborough
Jiggle&Giggle是一个澳大利亚的本土品牌,“咯咯笑”是该品牌在国内的中文名称。Jiggle&Giggle是1971年由John和Mary Pilbeamd Abbotsford,Victoria AUSTRALIA成立的,是一个有着15年历史的成熟儿童用品品牌,专注于婴童及儿童整体家纺产品,在澳大利亚和新西兰约有100多家实体店面,有专卖店、加盟店和一些母婴连锁超市等。Jiggle&Giggle主要的品牌特色是儿童屋整体家纺,即儿童卧室里所需要的全部家纺产品从床上三件套到配套地垫、毯子、靠垫、书包、浴巾等全部齐全。并且,每一个完整系列串起来都是一个独立的童话故事。 NO.5 Onkaparinga
One of Australia’s oldest companies and now brand, Onkaparinga started in South Australia in 1869 in Hahndorf and then moved operations to Lobethal, situated 40 kilometres from Adelaide in the picturesque “Valley of Praise”.
Migrating from Germany, two brothers, Heinrich and Edward Kramm, both weavers, purchased and brought with them some machinery and established themselves in Hahndorf in a mud hut. Their original plant consisted of one carding machine, one spinning mule of 30 spools and 2 hand looms. The spinning mule was horse driven, the others all hand operated. This beginning was not so successful and in 1873, Mr. F.W. Kelinschmidt bought the machinery and the brothers’ expertise and relocated in his disused brewery at its present location in Lobethal, situated on the banks of the western arm of the Onkaparinga river. The wool was washed by hand and dried in the sun then teased by hand.
Despite a government contract for US$10,000 for supply of 10,000 yards of cloth, Kleinschmidt’s new venture could not survive and in 1877, a syndicate was formed with F.W. Kleinschmidt as Chairman. Extensive upgrading and building programs were undertaken and on 9th July 1877, the Lobethal Woollen and Tweed Company was opened for business. However the trouble was not over, for 1878 saw South Australia in severe drought conditions and trade depression together caused yet another forced temporary closure of operations in “Tweedvale” as it was known.
1883 saw the efforts of Mr. David Murphy come to fruition with a new company name, "The South Australian Woollen Factory” which was formed with US$20,000. More buildings were erected to house 16 new looms on the 10th November 1885, under the management of Mr. J.W. McGregor, later to become one of Australia’s largest wool brokers, 30 employees on a payroll expense of US$50 were off and running. This continued successfully into the next century.
Sheridan喜来登公司的前身Actil公司,创立于1942年。在第二次世界大战期间起了积极的作用,提供了生产绷带、军服、军裤、毛巾布所需的大量棉纱。它是澳大利亚第一家以国产或进口棉花为原料,生产床上用品的纺织品公司。同时,也是以澳大利亚国产的棉花为原料,开发生产出第一个包装精美的枕套、床单系列产品的公司。 NO.2 Jaspa Herington
JASPA HERINGTON是澳大利亚的知名品牌。JASPA HERINGTON羊毛被只在澳大利亚的大型商场如MYER和DAVIDJONES才有售,如果你去澳大利亚旅游,不防去看看,只不过尺寸不同。被芯是ExcelWool®(有专利权的精细羊毛),非常柔软舒适,被套是纯棉面料,尺寸是为中国定制的200x230cm,与在澳大利亚品质一样,享有5年的保质期。 NO.3 BlueStar
Bluestar羊毛被产于澳洲,100%纯天然羊毛填充。充分倡导“天然、绿色、健康”的睡眠理念。 NO.4 Gainsborough
Jiggle&Giggle是一个澳大利亚的本土品牌,“咯咯笑”是该品牌在国内的中文名称。Jiggle&Giggle是1971年由John和Mary Pilbeamd Abbotsford,Victoria AUSTRALIA成立的,是一个有着15年历史的成熟儿童用品品牌,专注于婴童及儿童整体家纺产品,在澳大利亚和新西兰约有100多家实体店面,有专卖店、加盟店和一些母婴连锁超市等。Jiggle&Giggle主要的品牌特色是儿童屋整体家纺,即儿童卧室里所需要的全部家纺产品从床上三件套到配套地垫、毯子、靠垫、书包、浴巾等全部齐全。并且,每一个完整系列串起来都是一个独立的童话故事。 NO.5 Onkaparinga
One of Australia’s oldest companies and now brand, Onkaparinga started in South Australia in 1869 in Hahndorf and then moved operations to Lobethal, situated 40 kilometres from Adelaide in the picturesque “Valley of Praise”.
Migrating from Germany, two brothers, Heinrich and Edward Kramm, both weavers, purchased and brought with them some machinery and established themselves in Hahndorf in a mud hut. Their original plant consisted of one carding machine, one spinning mule of 30 spools and 2 hand looms. The spinning mule was horse driven, the others all hand operated. This beginning was not so successful and in 1873, Mr. F.W. Kelinschmidt bought the machinery and the brothers’ expertise and relocated in his disused brewery at its present location in Lobethal, situated on the banks of the western arm of the Onkaparinga river. The wool was washed by hand and dried in the sun then teased by hand.
Despite a government contract for US$10,000 for supply of 10,000 yards of cloth, Kleinschmidt’s new venture could not survive and in 1877, a syndicate was formed with F.W. Kleinschmidt as Chairman. Extensive upgrading and building programs were undertaken and on 9th July 1877, the Lobethal Woollen and Tweed Company was opened for business. However the trouble was not over, for 1878 saw South Australia in severe drought conditions and trade depression together caused yet another forced temporary closure of operations in “Tweedvale” as it was known.
1883 saw the efforts of Mr. David Murphy come to fruition with a new company name, "The South Australian Woollen Factory” which was formed with US$20,000. More buildings were erected to house 16 new looms on the 10th November 1885, under the management of Mr. J.W. McGregor, later to become one of Australia’s largest wool brokers, 30 employees on a payroll expense of US$50 were off and running. This continued successfully into the next century.