作者:admin 发表时间:2017-09-21 浏览:192 海淘动态
和小编一样,很多人的英文都是哑巴英语,单词记住不少,但是说一句人话的时候,简直要命。没关系,只要客服看得懂,沟通就是有价值的,小编帮你偷个懒,直接把常用的美亚问题都列出来了,你只要替换订单号和地址就行了。在海淘过程中遇到的一些常见的问题如下,和客服沟通或者发邮件时,也许你也用得到,果断收藏下吧。美亚直邮攻略:.qluu.com/jingyan/2015-dageliulian.html美亚海淘攻略2016:.qluu.com/amazon-2016.html美亚(Amazon)美国亚马逊手机版:.qluu.com/amazon-shouji.html美亚手把手图文攻略:.qluu.com/amazon-haitao-jiaocheng.html取消订单How to cancel orderHi, my order number is 订单号I don't need all the goods of this order. Please help me tocancel this order. Thank you.催促发货Ihave placed an order with No.(订单号) on (订单日期), and received order confirmation e-mail in the same day. But the status still shows 'in process' today. I kindly ask if you might accelerate thespeed of processing. Thanks!变更收货地址Excuse me,my order number is 订单号. My original address is: 旧的地址, Could I change my new address to 新的地址. Thank you.Best regards!退货Excuseme, my order number is (订单号). I have received the parcel. But now I don't need these goods. MayI return goods? Please provide return label number to me? Thanks you.Bestregards!买完就涨价了,退还差价Hi,I have made a purchase on 日期.And I have bought 商品名称 at the price of 价格,but now the newest priceis 价格,I have not receive the item yet,I wonder if could have a price match and refund. Thank you!什么?你还不知道如何联系美亚客服?戳这里!