
作者:admin  发表时间:2020-12-13  浏览:32  海淘动态

今年的亚马逊卖家,大部分都感觉到前所未有的压力,老卖家感到因为卖家群体增加,竞争激烈,产品售价降低,且旺季不旺,新卖家感觉到经营中并没有出现别人口中的高利润和高销量。如果仅仅是卖家彼此之间竞争层面上的压力,倒也有可以通过优化供应链方面来提升自己的竞争力,可是,有相当一部分卖家却是在经历着生死劫。继鬼节亚马逊突然出招冻结大批账号之后,最近几天,又有不少卖家收到下面这封邮件:You may no longer sell on because of rights owner complaints about items that infringe their intellectual property rights.Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. If you have any open orders, please ship them.You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please write to email with the following supporting documents:-- Copies of invoices, receipts, contracts or delivery orders from your supplier issued in the last 90 days. The quantity of items shown should match your inventory.-- If you are not the brand owner, provide a complete set of documentation to prove a valid supply chain.-- If you are the brand owner, provide a copy of the brand registration certificate, and business license or personal identity card.-- Any additional details you would like us to know.You can send .pdf, .jpg, .png, or .gif files. These documents must be authentic and unaltered. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.If you do not send the required documents within 17 days, we may not allow you to sell on learn more about our policies, search for "Amazon Anti-Counterfeiting Policy" or Intellectual Property Violations in Seller Central Help.To talk to someone about this email, ask our Seller Support team to contact you在邮件中,亚马逊告知卖家,因为有客户投诉卖家销售的商品侵权,卖家的销售权限将被移除, 如果卖家需要申诉,需要提供90天内的采购单据、发票等,如果卖家自己不是品牌商,需要出具授权书和代理合同等证明,如果卖家自己是品牌商,需要提供商标注册证书,营业执照或注册人身份证等,以上材料必须在17天内提供,否则将被永久移除销售权限。面对这封邮件,很多卖家既惊愕又无奈,本来用心经营的账号,却偏偏遭遇这么一遭。但不管怎么说,对于遭遇此种情况的卖家,还是需要认真分析积极应对的,毕竟,亚马逊此次封号事件,在一定程度上是批量进行的,难免有一些账号属于躺枪,或者情节轻微资料齐全可以救活的。对于正经历此事件的卖家,老魏我能够给出的建议就是,尽可能全面的提供上述资料,尽量真诚且详尽的写明自己的经营状况,然后以完备的申诉资料去申诉。对于所有的卖家,我们应该看到事件背后的深层原因,当原本以优质可靠著称的亚马逊平台被各种Made in China的品质良莠不齐的货品所充斥,当越来越多的亚马逊老用户开始用脚投票出走亚马逊,平台祭出整顿的大旗也是在所难免,虽然在整顿难免会有错伤,但从平台长远的发展来看,这样的措施还是必要的。遭遇暂时受限的账号,卖家要尽量申诉,而没有遭遇此劫的卖家,也不要幸灾乐祸,老魏我相信这样的整顿仅仅只是开始,后续亚马逊还会继续排查整顿,所以,亚马逊卖家一定要提高警惕,诚信经营,远离刷单,远离侵权,更是要远离黑科技,当你在自认为安全的作弊的时候,一定不要忘了,亚马逊除了是一家购物平台之外,更是一家大数据分析公司,你的作弊难逃其咎。更多跨境电商资讯,请关




